Required Readings for Prospective Adoptive Parents by Program
The Center for Youth and Family Solutions strongly believes in assisting you in making informed decisions regarding your adoption options. Once you meet with your adoption specialist and you begin to prepare for your orientation and home study, you will be asked to read the following books.
Books may be available through your local library or bookstore. If you need assistance in finding them, contact your adoption worker.
Domestic Infant Required Reading List
- Adoption Without Fear by James L. Gritter
- Adoption is a Family Affair by Patricia Irwin Johnston
Adopt Waiting Children Required Reading List
- Big Steps for Little People: Parenting Your Adopted Child by Celia Foster
- Adoption is a Family Affair by Patricia Irwin Johnston
- Parenting Your Adopted Child by Andrew Adesman, MD
Embryo Adoption Required Reading List
- Embryo Donation and Embryo Adoption by John D. VanRegenmorter and Slyvia VanRegenmorter