There are many children right here in the United States who need a forever family. Our Adopt Waiting Children (AWC) program is designed to help families prepare to adopt older waiting children currently in foster care. These children generally range from age 7 through 17, have suffered abuse and/or neglect and need loving adoptive parents who have a passion for providing unconditional love and support. Families who adopt through our AWC program understand that each child will need to work through issues rooted in their past, and are willing to walk with them on that journey.
By teaming with foster care professionals, this program brings together children who are legally free for adoption or nearing a legally free status with families who will provide a safe, loving and permanent home.
The Center for Youth & Family Solutions strongly believes in assisting the prospective adoptive parent in making informed decisions regarding this adoption option. All AWC adoptions must comply with the Department of Children and Family Services’ requirements for foster care licensure and adoption.
Prospective adoptive parents will participate in an initial interview to discuss their intentions, options and to learn more about the process. From this point, if they believe the AWC program is a good match for them and if the Adoption Specialist believes the family would be a good adoptive resource for a child, they are invited to participate in Parent Training Orientation.
For more information on the Adopt Waiting Children Program, contact an Adoption Specialist.